Cardiogenic shock in myocardial infarct

Danev, T.; Todorova, M.

Vutreshni Bolesti 25(2): 37-39


ISSN/ISBN: 0506-2772
PMID: 3716375
Document Number: 270726
A total of 1605 patients with myocardial infarction had been admitted to the district hospital--Sliven for 24 years. The percentage of the deceased out of them is 26.5%. The patients with cardiogenic shock were 166 (10.3%) and 131 of them died (85%). The cardiogenic shock in myocardial infarction reduced its incidence within the 5 years, from 14/4% to 5.3%, and lethality was increased from 75.5 to 91.4%. The males represented 60%. To the age of 60 proved to be 30.1% of the patients. To the age of 45-3.6%; to from 46 to 60-26.5%; from 61 to 75-51.6% and over the age of 75-18%. Angina pectoris was present in 80% in the clinic of the patients with cardiogenic shock in myocardial infarction, with irradiating pain--41%, with asthmatic manifestations--49%, with abdominal manifestations--20% and cerebral manifestations--23%. According to localization the myocardial infarction was grouped as follows: 8.4%--anteroseptal; 17.4%--anterior, 9.6%--massive anterior, 1.8--anterior-apical, 6.4%--anterior lateral, 25.3%--posterior, 9%--posterior-lateral, 5.6%--anterior-posterior, 0.6%--focal and 1% subendocardial. Hypertension proved to be a favourable factor in the development of cardiogenic shock in myocardial infarction in 21.7% as well as diabetes in 15%, rhythm disorders--in 32.2%, pulmonary embolism in 7.9% and decompensation in 14.4%.

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