A new virus in a spontaneous mammary tumor of a rhesus monkey

Chopra, H.C.; Mason, M.M.

Cancer Research 30(8): 2081-2086


ISSN/ISBN: 0008-5472
PMID: 4195910
Document Number: 26506
This study investigated the ultrastructure and development of virus particles detected in a spontaneous mammary tumor of an 8 year old rhesus monkey. During a 3-month period of tumor growth, several biopsies were performed. Thin section electron microscopy of the tumor tissue revealed 2 types of particles: 1) an intracytoplasmic, electron-dense, ring-shaped particle, and 2) an extracellular particle with an outer unit membrane and a central dense nucleoid. The intracytoplasmic development and virus maturation by a process of budding at the level of the cell membrane was reconstructed.

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