Sexual risk behavior, AIDS knowledge, and beliefs about AIDS among predominantly minority gay and bisexual male adolescents
Rotheram-Borus, M.J.; Koopman, C.
Aids Education and Prevention Official Publication of the International Society for Aids Education 3(4): 305-312
ISSN/ISBN: 0899-9546 PMID: 1777337 Document Number: 263360
Current sexual risk behavior, AIDS knowledge, and beliefs about AIDS prevention were examined among 59 black and Hispanic male adolescents attending a community center for gay and lesbian youth. Most (73%) were sexually active in the last 3 months, with a median of 2.0 partners and with only 21% reporting consistent condom use. These youths demonstrated moderately high AIDS knowledge (82%) and positive beliefs endorsing AIDS prevention (71%). When risk pattern was defined on the basis of partners, risk acts, and condom use, positive AIDS prevention beliefs were significantly and inversely associated with the high-risk pattern, but not with abstinence. These results suggest that youths who frequently engage in high-risk acts need intervention targeting changes in beliefs and behavior, as well as knowledge.