The evaluation of sexual behavior and knowledge of AIDS in the schools of Burkina Faso. A Knowledge, Attitude, Belief and Practice (KABP) survey in Banfora among 474 adolescents of 14-to-25-years old

Sicard, J.M.; Kanon, S.; Ouedraogo, L.A.; Chiron, J.P.

Annales de la Societe Belge de Medecine Tropicale 72(1): 63-72


ISSN/ISBN: 0772-4128
PMID: 1567271
Document Number: 250947
The results of a survey carried out in 1990 on the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and practice (KABP) concerning AIDS are presented and discussed. The population surveyed was a random sample of 474 secondary school students (SSS), aged 14-25, in Banfora (Burkina Faso). Among the SSS, a high level of general knowledge about AIDS as a sexually transmitted disease (92.2%) and about condoms (83.1%) is noted. More specific knowledges however, such as the notion of seropositivity, is less well understood (36.7%). Their sources of information are essentially the radio (57.8%) and newspapers (45.4%). The SSS are afraid of AIDS and report that they have changed their behaviour (71.7%). Sexual experiences at young age and risky sexual behaviour (no use of condoms) are however reported. The place of residence, religion, and job and income of their parents or other relatives they are living with, seem to have no effect on the age of the first sexual experience. At present, the SSS of Banfora are aware of the AIDS problem but have not changed their sexual behaviour accordingly, even if they report having done so. The SSS are a prime target population group for any AIDS prevention program.

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