Infections in renal transplant recipients in Israel

Morduchowicz, G.; Pitlik, S.D.; Shapira, Z.; Shmueli, D.; Yussim, A.; Djalovski, S.; Rosenfeld, J.B.

Israel Journal of Medical Sciences 21(10): 791-797


ISSN/ISBN: 0021-2180
PMID: 3000984
Document Number: 258449
A 5-year retrospective survey of infections following 258 renal transplants in 233 patients is reported from a large medical center in Israel. The most common sites of infection were the urinary tract, the surgical incision, and the lung. We recorded 157 episodes of bacteriuria, 75% during the first month following transplantation. In 24 patients, 25 episodes of bacteremia were documented, with gram-negative bacteria being the most commonly involved organism. Pneumonia was diagnosed in 36 patients and was associated with relatively high mortality. Cytomegalovirus was the most common single organism responsible for infection. Fatal rhinocerebral mucormycosis was observed in three patients and was the most common invasive fungal infection. Other serious opportunistic infections were seen only rarely. Infectious diseases were the most frequent cause of death (51.1%) among these patients.

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