Which points deserve special attention in the new guidelines on X-ray use (testing guidelines for experts and quality assurance guidelines) ?

Ewen, K.; Lauber, I.

Der Radiologe 44(12): 1197-1205


ISSN/ISBN: 0033-832X
PMID: 15580428
DOI: 10.1007/s00117-004-1127-4
Document Number: 255310
Two important guidelines for the application of X-rays in medicine became effective on 1 October 2003 and 1 December 2003. These are testing guidelines for experts and quality assurance guidelines. Both guidelines are very extensive and not always easy to interpret. In the present paper the authors try to explain in detail some chapters important for radiology and to make the necessary technical background transparent. Both authors took an essential part in forming the guidelines.

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