The marketing system for fresh vegetables in Lesotho: executive summary of the Agricultural Marketing Research Project

Swallow, B.; Mpemi, M.

Research Report, Institute of Southern African Studies, National University of Lesotho 10: 15


Document Number: 253222
Increased domestic production of fresh vegetables is a high priority of the Government of Lesotho. Increased production, stimulated by new programmes and policies, will either have to replace imports in existing marketing channels or be routed through new marketing channels. This short paper contains a summary of the research method, major findings and conclusions of a research project investigating the market system for fresh vegetables in Lesotho. It focuses on: the structure of production, imports, consumption, wholesaling, retailing, marketing channels, the geographical nature of the marketing system, the communication network, prices, and marketing margins. The report is primarily descriptive; a comparison volume, published separately, is intended to be diagnostic and prescriptive.

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