Aortopulmonary shunt using an expanded polytetrafluoloethylene graft: quantitative analysis of graft flows by multiple regression

Matsumoto, M.; Miki, S.; Kusuhara, K.; Ueda, Y.; Ohkita, Y.; Tahata, T.; Komeda, M.

Nihon Kyobu Geka Gakkai 33(1): 39-44


ISSN/ISBN: 0369-4739
PMID: 3998526
Document Number: 250518
Thirty patients with various types of cyanotic congenital heart disease underwent aortapulmonary artery shunt with an expanded polytetrafluoloethylene graft between March, 1979 and May, 1983. In 24 of the 30 patients, graft flows were measured intraoperatively after the completion of anastomosis with an electromagnetic flowmeter. The age at operation ranged from 1 mo.-22 yr, the average being 6.6 yr. Twenty patients had an ascending aorta-main pulmonary artery anastomosis, 3 an ascending aorta-right pulmonary artery anastomosis and 1 an ascending aorta-left pulmonary artery anastomosis. Initial variables chosen for multiple regression were the diameter of the graft (D), age (M), body weight (BW), body surface area (BSA), hematocrit value (Ht), Hb content (Hb), arterial O2 saturation (Sat), arterial O2 content (ct), diameter of the pulmonary artery (PA) and diameter of the ascending aorta (Ao). Multiple regression analysis was performed to predict the graft flow. After elimination of redundant variables, the following regression equation was derived. Graft flow (l/min) = 0.9862 + 0.1566 .times. BW (kg) - 0.02076 .times. M (mo.) - 0.03882 .times. Sat (%) + 0.06383 .times. {D(mm)}2 + 0.003280 .times. {PA(mm)}1/BSA(m2). The multiple correlation coefficient (r) was 0.83. The regression equation expressing the graft flow per kilogram of BW had the form, Graft flow (ml/min/kg) = 137.1 + 5.634 .times. PA(mm)/BSA(m2) - 2.656 .times. Sat(%) + 4.154 .times. {D(mm)}2 - 0.3963 .times. M(mo.). The r was 0.87.

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