Results of dipstick tests, visual inspection, microscopic examination of urine sediment, and microbiological cultures of urine compared for simplifying urinalysis

Christenson, R.H.; Tucker, J.A.; Allen, E.

Clinical Chemistry 31(3): 448-450


ISSN/ISBN: 0009-9147
PMID: 3882276
Document Number: 248101
Using microscopic sediment examination, reagent dipsticks, visual appearance, and microbiological culture, we studied 196 urine specimens collected under sterile conditions. We conclude that the sensitivities and specificities noted in the comparison of dipstick urinalysis with urine microscopy justify eliminating many microscopic examinations if a procedural flowchart is used. All 33 (16.8%) of the uncontaminated urine specimens showing substantial potential pathogen content on culture had either a turbid appearance or positive results for one or more dipstick tests. A positive dipstick test result for nitrite most consistently indicated that the urine should be cultured.

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