Changes in the migration and adhesive activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes as 1 of the characteristics of Gram-negative bacteria isolated from patients with suppurative lung destruction

Lobashevskiĭ, A.L.; Chernyshov, V.S.; Bakanova, D.Ia.; Marchenkova, A.V.

Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii 1985(11): 46-50


ISSN/ISBN: 0372-9311
PMID: 3937393
Document Number: 248079
The influence of Gram-negative bacteria on the migratory and adhesive activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) in the peripheral blood of clinically normal donors has been studied by the specially developed method with the use of Boyden chambers. Pseudomonas and enterobacteria have been found to produce complex and various effects on the above-mentioned properties of PMNL. When incubated in fresh serum, Gram-negative bacteria are capable of enhancing the migratory activity of PMNL, this property being least pronounced in P. aeruginosa. The incubation of live bacteria from the authors' collection in the patients' sera or in sera obtained from normal donors and inactivated by heating induces no hemotaxis of PMNL, and P. aeruginosa strains even suppress it under such conditions. The isolated Gram-negative bacteria under study increase the number of highly adhesive PMNL in the population used in this investigation, but P. aeruginosa cultures do not produce such effect.

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