T cell regulation of antibody responses: an I-A-specific, autoreactive T cell collaborates with antigen-specific helper T cells to promote IgG responses
Clayberger, C.; DeKruyff, R.H.; Cantor, H.
Journal of Immunology 134(2): 691-694
ISSN/ISBN: 0022-1767 PMID: 2578161 Document Number: 246076
In earlier studies we showed that hapten-specific inducer T cell clones specifically induce B cells from immunized donors to secrete IgM antibodies. However, IgG responses were not observed, suggesting that an additional signal(s) was required. In this report, we show that an autoreactive T cell clone produces a factor(s) that collaborates with antigen-specific inducer T cells to promote specific IgG responses. This factor is not restricted by antigen or MHC determinants and promotes IgG production both in vivo and in vitro. These findings suggest that autoreactive cells may play an important role in the regulation of isotype expression.