Clinical studies of bilateral germ cell tumor of the testis: report of 3 cases and review of the literature

Tsunekawa, T.; Kumamoto, Y.; Tsukamoto, T.

Hinyokika Kiyo. Acta Urologica Japonica 30(9): 1275-1284


ISSN/ISBN: 0018-1994
PMID: 6098182
Document Number: 241709
Three cases of bilateral germ cell tumor of testis were presented. Of these three, one showed similar histological features of seminoma in both tumors and two had different histological features of embryonal Ca.+teratoma, and embryonal Ca.+seminoma in the respective cases. We reviewed 78 cases of such tumors in the Japanese literature. Of these, 54 showed similar histological features, while twenty four did not. The review showed that the incidence of seminoma was highest in bilateral tumors. Bilateral tumors with different histology had a longer interval than those with similar histology. Seminoma occurred only in adults.

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