An autopsy case of double cancer (Hepatocellular carcinoma and mixed germ cell tumor of the testis) --significance of alpha-fetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotropin as tumor markers

Yamauchi, M.; Yoshigoe, F.; Mera, F.; Ogura, K.; Kameda, H.; Nakada, J.; Takasaka, S.; Machida, T.; Fukunaga, M.

Gan no Rinsho. Japan Journal of Cancer Clinics 29(4): a


ISSN/ISBN: 0021-4949
PMID: 6190021
Document Number: 210795
A 43-year-old male suffering from liver cirrhosis was admitted with complaints of general malaise and anorexia. Admission laboratory data evidenced high levels of serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Histopathologically, the resected left testis and supraclavicular enlarged lymph nodes revealed mixed germ cell tumor. After castration, the serum HCG level normalized, but AFP continued to increase. Autopsy findings did not unequivocally show mixed germ cell tumor, however, massive type hepatocellular carcinoma was present. These findings suggest that the hepatocellular carcinoma produced AFP, while the mixed germ cell tumor produced HCG.

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