Histoplasmosis: a reinterpretation

Barton, L.L.

Pediatrics 73(2): 266-267


ISSN/ISBN: 0031-4005
PMID: 6694888
Document Number: 240717
In reply to a previous article [RMVM 18, 2538], the author suggests that factors other than histoplasmosis may have been responsible for symptoms in 2 of the patients in the series presented: arthritis due to toxicity of cefaclor in patient 6 and cat scratch disease in patient 7. The author also suggests that it would be premature to abandon therapy for histoplasmosis in infancy, based on the spontaneous recovery of 2 patients in the series. These comments are followed by a reply by G. Weinberg and M.B. Kleiman (266-267, 6 ref.).

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