A case of spastic diplegia treated by the Vojta procedure in early infancy with a remarkable effect. A comparison with 66 spastic diplegia children
Kanda, T.; Yuge, M.; Yamori, Y.; Fukase, H.; Yoshioka, H.; Morikawa, Y.
No to Hattatsu 16(4): 290-300
ISSN/ISBN: 0029-0831 PMID: 6487430 Document Number: 239893
The patient was a low birth weight infant who had many risk factors. CT scan at 17 days of age showed a prominent and diffuse low density area in the cerebral parenchyma. Training was started at 4 mo. of age. Spastic diplegia was diagnosed from his abnormal primitive reflexes and postural reactions, and from the motor pattern before he started walking at 2 yr and 3 mo. of age. After walking started, he began catching up with normal infants and was able to stand on 1 foot and to hop on both feet at 4 yr of age. Subsequently, some postural reactions and some primitive extension reflexes became normal. In order to evaluate the effect of treatment in this case, his findings were compared with those of 66 spastic diplegia patients. The moderate brain atrophy on CT scan at 1 yr and 3 mo. of age placed this patient in the group in which the possibility of walking is low. At 2 yr and 3 mo. of age the CT findings showed greater recovery than in any of the spastic diplegia patients. The present state of steady walking and partial normalization of postural and primitive reflexes are thought to be the effects of very early treatment.