Linking the prevention of problem behaviors and positive youth development: core competencies for positive youth development and risk prevention
Guerra, N.G.; Bradshaw, C.P.
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 2008(122): 1-17
ISSN/ISBN: 1520-3247 PMID: 19021244 DOI: 10.1002/cd.225Document Number: 235636
In this chapter, we present a brief review of the developmental literature linking healthy adjustment to five core competencies: (1) positive sense of self, (2) self-control, (3) decision-making skills, (4) a moral system of belief, and (5) prosocial connectedness. A central premise of this chapter and the rest of the volume is that promoting mastery of social and emotional core competencies provides a connection between positive youth development and risk prevention programming. In subsequent chapters, empirical evidence linking these core competencies with prevention of specific risk behaviors is reviewed, and examples of integrated promotion and prevention efforts in the United States and internationally are discussed.