Experimental characterization of propafenone. Hemodynamic effects

Botti, G.; Aurier, E.; Finardi, A.

Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia 14(5): 373-376


ISSN/ISBN: 0046-5968
PMID: 6468819
Document Number: 235351
We studied the haemodynamic effects of Propafenon in a group of 20 subjects who had a coronary arteriography and a left ventriculography. The drug was been administered in doses of 1 mg/kg b.w. i.v. in 5 minutes. The haemodynamic parameters were measured in basal conditions and after 10 and 20 minutes. The basal data and those obtained after 20 minutes were analyzed and compared statistically. Our results show that Propafenon administered acutely i.v. in therapeutic doses causes a very small depression of cardiac inotropism. The same results were obtained in subjects whose basal haemodynamic parameters were abnormal. Our data show that the drug can be used safely also in subjects with mild heart failure.

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