Healthy, legitimate children: on marriage and social assistance in Argentina (1935-1948)

Di Liscia, Mía.Silvia.

Historia Ciencias Saude--Manguinhos 9 Suppl: 209-232


ISSN/ISBN: 0104-5970
PMID: 12916537
Document Number: 234436
This analysis of the forms of social protection available in Argentina during 1935-48 pays special attention to the distinguishing aspects of infant mortality and birth rates in urbanized areas along the country's coastline. Different government public health institutions -- such as pediatric and maternity institutes -- undertook assistance work among single mothers, where moral teachings played an important role and where marriage was encouraged for its regulatory role in avoiding high rates of illegitimacy. In this task, physicians, visiting nurses, and social assistants from government institutions agreed with the church hierarchy and Catholic intellectuals, since both sectors considered matrimonial legitimacy vital to limiting a decline in the national birthrate.

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