Social and family characteristics of marriage in England and Wales: information derived from marriage registration records

Haskey, J.C.

Journal of Biosocial Science 23(2): 179-200


ISSN/ISBN: 0021-9320
PMID: 2061346
DOI: 10.1017/s0021932000019209
Document Number: 457081
Information on social and family aspects of marriage was obtained from a sample of over a thousand marriages solemnised in England and Wales in 1979. The data include the standard demographic variables concerning the couple and their marriage and also: the day of the week the marriage was celebrated; whether the fathers or relatives of similar surname to the spouses acted as witnesses; the patterns of name usage by brides; the numbers of forenames of the marriage partners and their fathers; and the frequency of bridegrooms having one or more forenames in common with their fathers. The factors are analysed in terms of social class differences as well as in relation to the distance over which marriages range and other demographic characteristics of the partners and their marriage.

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