Change in the cellular immune response under the influence of lipopolysaccharides
Lisovenko, V.G.; Skripnik, S.I.; Zdorovenko, G.M.
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal 46(2): 28-30
ISSN/ISBN: 0201-8462 PMID: 6443868 Document Number: 233456
Administration of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) isolated from Escherichia coil, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Alcaligenes faecalis to experimental animals produced an immunodepressive effect inhibiting the reaction of skin allotransplantation rejection and the graft vs. host reaction. LPS isolated from E. coli and P. aeruginosa produced the most pronounced inhibitory effect on the reaction of skin allotransplantation rejection.
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