Automatization of heparin determination using chronometric evaluation of anti-Xa activity of the AT III-heparin complex

Sampol, J.; Rossi, J.M.; Lejay, G.

Annales de Biologie Clinique 42(1): 21-23


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-3898
PMID: 6731952
Document Number: 228124
The authors describe an adaptation on a semi- automatique coagulometer KC 10 of a manual assay of anti-Xa activity of the Heparin-Antithrombin III Complex close to the technique described by Yin and al. ( Hepaclot - Stago ). The results show a good linearity and a good reproducibility, with a better sensitivity than the manuel method. Freezing has no influence. Significant differences were observed between our assay and the manuel anti-IIa assay. These last results neither depend on the administration route nor on the heparin batches.

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