A multilevel analysis of the determinants and cross-national variations of HIV seropositivity in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from the DHS

Magadi, M.; Desta, M.

Health and Place 17(5): 1067-1083


ISSN/ISBN: 1353-8292
PMID: 21741295
DOI: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2011.06.004
Document Number: 225246
This paper applies multilevel logistic regression models to Demographic and Health Survey data collected during 2003-2008 from 20 countries of sub-Saharan Africa to examine the determinants and cross-national variations in the risk of HIV seropositivity in the region. The models include individual-level and contextual region/country-level risk factors. Simultaneous confidence intervals of country-level residuals are used to compare the risk of being HIV seropositive across countries. The study reveals interesting general patterns in the risk of HIV seropositivity in sub-Saharan Africa. In particular, the findings highlight the gender disparity in socio-economic risk factors, partly explained by sexual behaviour factors.

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