Resection of solitary pulmonary cancer metastatic from renal cell carcinoma: a case report

Okumura, S.; Kanamori, S.; Hasegawa, J.; Yoshida, K.; Nishimura, T.; Akimoto, M.

Hinyokika Kiyo. Acta Urologica Japonica 30(8): 1063-1067


ISSN/ISBN: 0018-1994
PMID: 6516997
Document Number: 223952
A 59-year-old man underwent right transabdominal nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma on March 16, 1976. Full-lung tomography revealed an oval solitary shadow (11 by 14 mm) in the left upper lung field in February, 1983. Since there was no evidence of metastatic disease elsewhere in his body, thoracotomy and wedge resection of this nodule was performed. Histologically this nodule was found to be clear cell carcinoma. This patient has been well without recurrence for these 15 months. Significance and necessity of excision of metastatic nodules from renal cell carcinoma are stressed.

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