Effects of sublingual isosorbide dinitrate on systolic time intervals in normal subjects and those with coronary disease

Paterna, S.; Campisi, D.; Bivona, A.; Valenza, M.; Di Maso, N.; Alaimo, V.

Bollettino della Societa Italiana di Biologia Sperimentale 60(1): 29-35


ISSN/ISBN: 0037-8771
PMID: 6704251
Document Number: 222774
We studied 14 subjects (7 normal and 7 with coronary artery disease) and we analysed the changes in same parameters (FC, PAD, PAS, PEP, PE, PEP, PEP/PE, SEM) 5m' and 15m' after isosorbide dinitrate. The results demonstrated an improvement of the parameters studied without any side effect.

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