Scanning electron microscopic studies of adverse effects of ammonia on tracheal tissues of turkeys

Nagaraja, K.V.; Emery, D.A.; Jordan, K.A.; Newman, J.A.; Pomeroy, B.S.

American Journal of Veterinary Research 44(8): 1530-1536


ISSN/ISBN: 0002-9645
PMID: 6625303
Document Number: 213228
Effects of 10 and 40 microliter of NH3/L of air (10 and 40 ppm) on the tracheal tissues of turkeys were examined under the scanning electron microscope. Turkeys maintained in the presence of either level of NH3 had deterioration of their normal mucociliary apparatus after prolonged exposure. Excessive mucous production, matted cilia, and areas of deciliation in the tracheal tissues were detected in birds exposed to NH3 concentrations as low as 10 microliters/L. The tracheal tissues of birds not exposed to NH3 appeared normal. The implications of respiratory tract damage caused by NH3 are discussed.

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