Preventive health care for mothers and children. A study in Mozambique

Jelley, D.; Madeley, R.J.

Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 86(6): 229-236


ISSN/ISBN: 0022-5304
PMID: 6672232
Document Number: 212780
This study sought to evaluate the delivery of preventive maternal and child health services (MCH) in Maputo, Mozambique. Mozambique has given priority to primary health care in the development of its new National Health Service, with a principal focus on MCH. 3 health centers were selected, from areas of contrasting urban ecology. Prenatal and under-5s clinics were observed at health care center. It was found that at a technical level, the preventive services were operating efficiently, with a coverage of over 2/3 of the target population. However, frequency of attendance at both clinics was much lower in the poorer areas of the city. Additionally, it was observed that women and children identified as having a high risk status were rarely given more care and support. Nurses and midwives, frequently adopted an attitude more punitive than supportive to those most at risk. Notwithstanding these shortcomings, it is clear that significant advances in preventive MCH care are being achieved ina country where only 6 years previously, the only available health service were curatuve, and confined to the more affluent urban districts.

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