Sequential histological studies of prostatic adenocarcinoma after treatment
Sakamoto, A.; Kawai, T.; Kitagawa, T.; Sugano, H.
Gan no Rinsho. Japan Journal of Cancer Clinics 29(12): 1433-1440
ISSN/ISBN: 0021-4949 PMID: 6645062 Document Number: 210654
Serially obtained needle biopsy specimens of 30 prostatic adenocarcinoma patients were examined to clarify the therapeutic effect on histology. Histology of the tumours after radiotherapy (Linac, 6,440 rad on average) revealed gradual degeneration without the formation of massive necrosis. The rates of cancer-free cases were 22.2% and 41.2% less and more than 1 year after radiation therapy, respectively. The 5-year survival rate was 53.3%. Of 10 patients who survived 5 years, all died of recurrence within 10 years. This indicates the necessity for longterm follow up in prostatic cancer patients.