Panhypopituitarism in one of 2 monozygotic twins
Boudailliez, B.; Goldfarb, A.; Pautard, J.C.; Lenaerts, C.; Risbourg, B.; Piussan, C.
Archives Francaises de Pediatrie 40(3): 171-173
ISSN/ISBN: 0003-9764 PMID: 6683957 Document Number: 209445
Anterior panhypopituitarism has been observed in one of monozygous twin girls. Etiologic investigations were negative and only suggested an hypothetic perinatal insult. Genetic abnormalities could be excluded. Replacement therapy with human growth hormone was strikingly successful, with a remarkable catch-up growth and, however, a velocity of bone age comparable with the velocity of growth.