A study on oxytocin challenge test of the fetus with quantitative tocodynamometry determined by contraction index

Sawazumi, K.

Acta Obstetrica et Gynaecologica Japonica 33(7): 987-995


ISSN/ISBN: 0001-6330
PMID: 7304139
Document Number: 177487
External tocodynamometric transducer loaded by 800 g weight on its back was placed on the abdomen of pregnant estimated by contraction woman and uterine contraction during NST and OCT was index which was defined by 10 minutes' total of amplitude (g/cm2) multiplied by the duration (min) at the half amplitude. Observations of OCTs were similar to intrapartum ones. OCT was more useful than NST in the prediction of fetal distress during labor. The adequate contraction index for OCT was 65 to 70 min . g/cm2.

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