Birth rate in 1981. A prognosis based on registered pregnancies in the county of Fredriksborg
Olsen, C.R.; Lassen, H.; Matthiessen, P.C.; Sele, V.
Ugeskrift for Laeger 143(12): 779-781
ISSN/ISBN: 0041-5782 PMID: 7292648 Document Number: 176470
On the basis of a centralized registration of pregnant women early in pregnancy, it is possible with adequate certainty to predict the birth rate 1/2-1 year in advance. On this basis, it has been calculated that the birth rate in the county of Frederiksborg, Denmark (population as of January 1, 1980--329,141 persons) will fall by 16% during the first 1/2 of 1981 as compared with the first 1/2 of 1980. As far as alterations in the birth rate for the county are concerned, they follow, by and large, the alterations seen in Denmark as a whole; thus a fall in birth rate is to be anticipated in the country as a whole. (author's)