Further studies on effects of X-irradiation on prespermatid stages of the Northern vole Microtus oeconomus: low induction of sex-chromosomal nondisjunction and very high induction of diploid spermatids

Tates, A.D.; de Vogel, N.

Mutation Research 82(2): 323-330


ISSN/ISBN: 0027-5107
PMID: 7022180
Document Number: 175543
Microtus males were irradiated with X-ray doses of 25, 50, 100 and 200 rad and early spermatids were analyzed for induction of sex-chromosomal nondisjunction and diploid spermatids at 1, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 12 days after treatment. There was no induction of nondisjunction above control levels. The differences in results of old and new experiments might be because of genetic changes that occurred in the Microtus colony that began with animals trapped in the wild, but is now highly inbred. Diploid spermatids were frequently induced. The dose-effect relationships at the different time intervals were linear, but the slopes were different, indicating stage-specific differences in sensitivity. The average doubling dose is of the order of 12 rad with a range of 5-30 rad for the individual time intervals. When diploid spermatozoa in man are inducible by such low doses of X-rays, the consequence would be an increase of triploid abortions which would constitute an undesirable form of personal or family hardship.

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