Choice of criteria in the revision of the ABAC system for the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics

Nicolosi, V.M.; Morgantetti, F.; Desiderio, C.; Geraci, C.; Lamicela, L.

Quaderni Sclavo di Diagnostica Clinica E di Laboratorio 17(4): 567-572


ISSN/ISBN: 0033-4979
PMID: 7347834
Document Number: 174746
The limitation of the ABAC system for the automated antibiotic sensitivity test is the fixed number of antibiotics to be assayed. This limit is partially overcome by the up-dating of ABAC disposables necessary both for bacterial infectious pathology (considerably various and dinamic) and bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Accordingly, research is constantly producing new antibiotics particularly in the beta-lactamine and aminoglycoside fields. In these groups new antibiotics must be found to substitute the old ones in the ABAC disposables, in particular in relation to Gram-negative bacteria (urinary or not). The preparation of a rotor for experimental use containing new antibiotics not present on the market is proposed to evaluate their validity through a rapid and standardized method.

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