Antibiotic prophylaxis in elective colon surgery: comparison of the combination of metronidazole (Flagyl) /cefazolin (Kefzol) with cefazolin alone

Ammann, J.; Blessing, H.; Marti, W.K.

Helvetica Chirurgica Acta 48(1-2): 235-242


ISSN/ISBN: 0018-0181
PMID: 7026508
Document Number: 172315
In this prospective trial prevention of infectious complications after elective colonic surgery was studied. 34 patients receiving i.v. cefazolin were compared to 32 patients receiving oral metronidazol and i.v. cefazolin. No significant difference was observed concerning local wound infection, septicemia, anastomotic dehiscence or death. The rate of postoperative infection was 53% in group I, 34% in group II. No side effects of this prophylaxis were observed.

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