Antigonococcal and antibacterial spectra of some bacterial isolates of the urogenital flora
Bisaillon, J.G.; Beaudet, R.; Lafond, L.; Saheb, S.A.; Sylvestre, M.
Revue Canadienne de Biologie 40(2): 215-227
ISSN/ISBN: 0035-0915 PMID: 6792659 Document Number: 172291
The antigonococcal and antibacterial spectra of bacterial isolates of the urogenital flora selected for their in vitro interference of Neisseria gonorrhoeae growth were determined on solid medium. A broad antigonococcal spectrum was found for all the selected isolates when they were tested against gonococcal virulent (T1) strains, penicillinase producing strains and strains belonging to the auxotypes NR, Thi-, Pro- Hyx-, Pro- Meth- Thp-, Arg- Meth- and Arg- Hyx- Ura-. Except for the group D streptococci, all the selected isolates particularly the coagulase negative staphylococci showed a narrow interference spectrum towards aerobic and anaerobic bacterial representatives of the normal urogenital flora. The selected isolates inhibited also the growth of N. meningitidis and N. catarrhalis meaning that they produce antineisserial rather than antigonococcal activities. The crude preparations isolated from cultures of Micrococcus sp. No. 2 and 42, and Acinetobacter sp. No. 13 on solid medium showed similar antigonococcal and antibacterial spectra as those observed with the basal spot/lawn method. These inhibitory activities were characterized for stability to extreme of temperature and pH values, and for susceptibility to different enzyme treatments. Based on ultrafiltration, differences in molecular size were observed between the inhibitors. These substances appear different from the previously reported gonococcal inhibitors of bacterial origin.