Study of antibodies against viruses, chlamydiae, rickettsiae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae in children with respiratory diseases

Copelovici, Y.; Niculescu, R.; Teleguţă, L.; Dincă, A.; Stoian, N.; Cristea, A.; Ossman, J.; Alămiţă, I.; Vlăsceanu, S.

Virologie 32(4): 275-280


ISSN/ISBN: 0253-181X
PMID: 6800128
Document Number: 170378
Seroconversion to different viral, chlamydial, rickettsial and mycoplasma antigens was followed up in 134 children aged 0-6 years, hospitalized with different respiratory diseases. Parainfluenza viruses type 1, 2 and 3 and adenoviruses appeared to be involved in the etiology of most of the cases; respiratory syncytial virus was often found to play a role in pneumonia/bronchopneumonia and in "influenza-like illness", while chlamydiae and M. pneumoniae could be incriminated in cases of "influenza-like illness", as well as in the other categories of respiratory disease. Mixed infections with the agents studied could be detected.

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