Electron microscopic studies of reptilian lung innervation

Welsch, U.; Müller, W.

Zeitschrift für Mikroskopisch-Anatomische Forschung 94(3): 435-444


ISSN/ISBN: 0044-3107
PMID: 7445663
Document Number: 165146
The Reptilian lung is richly innervated, in all species investigated bundles of nervefibres and autonomous ganglia have been detected. Several types of nerves and nerve endings of varicosities can be differentiated. The possible cholinergic, adrenergic and purinergic nature of the 3 types of nerve endings or varicosities is discussed on the basis of morphological criteria. The nerve terminals have been observed at intrapulmonary neurons and in the immediate neighbourhood of smooth muscle cells and of pneumocytes II.

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