Nucleic acid metabolism in the myocardium and their content in the blood in experimental myocardial infarct

Fetisova, T.V.; Shiriakova, L.I.

Kardiologiia 20(5): 76-80


ISSN/ISBN: 0022-9040
PMID: 6156264
Document Number: 164989
Significant shifts were revealed in the content, disintegration, and synthesis of nucleic acids in the zone of the infarction and adjacent areas of the heart in experiments on 83 dogs. In the area of the necrosis, the total level and RNA transformation are reduced at the beginning but grow with the development of the reparative processes, whereas DNA metabolism is activated stably beginning with the 1st day of the reproduction of the pathological condition. Short-term changes in nuclein metabolism, similar to those in the zone of the infarction, occur in the adjacent areas. In myocardial infarction, in the initial stage of its development too, the heart does not secrete nucleic acids or polynucleases into the coronary sinus and their values in the serum are close to normal. Long-term activation of deoxyribonuclease in myocardial infarction is the cause of the stable increase in the blood of the products of DNA hydrolysis, which is recommended as a pathogenetically substantiated laboratory diagnostic test for this disease.

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