Morphological criteria of lung cancer regression under the effect of magnetotherapy
Ogorodnikova, L.S.; Gaĭrabed'iants, N.G.; Ratner, O.N.; Chirvina, E.D.; Sém, L.D.
Voprosy Onkologii 26(1): 28-34
ISSN/ISBN: 0507-3758 PMID: 7355593 Document Number: 164311
The complex investigation (histological, histochemical, morphological, electrone microscopy) of lung cancerous tumors from 20 patients, subjected preoperatively to the action of magnetic fields enhancing the antitumor resistance by developing general nonspecific adaptation reactions: activation and training, has revealed a number of morphological changes which indicate a marked antitumor effect of magnetic fields. These changes were maximum manifest after 20-30 sessions. High-differentiated adenocarcinoma proved to be mostly sensitive to the magnetic field action.