Urinary system functions in children with intensive antileukemic therapy of acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Misíková, Z.; Lehotská, V.

Neoplasma 27(4): 489-492


ISSN/ISBN: 0028-2685
PMID: 6935533
Document Number: 162864
The urinary system functions were studied in 48 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who were given intensive therapy. At the beginning of treatment of signs of blastic renal infiltration were discovered for the majority of patients. The authors suppose that the patient having signs of serious renal injury at the beginning of acute lymphoblastic leukemia must be regarded as a high risk patient. There was no serious damage to urinary system by prolonged chemotherapy as showed by normal function tests after cessation of the treatment. Bacteriuria and alteration of radiorenogram were observed very often during chemotherapy.

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