"Serratia marcescens" in neonatology: epidemiology of a hazard

Borderon, J.C.; Berger, C.; Grimont, P.A.; Quentin, R.; Grimont, F.; Saillant, A.

Journal de Gynecologie Obstetrique et Biologie de la Reproduction 9(3): 299-305


ISSN/ISBN: 0368-2315
PMID: 7007476
Document Number: 162432
A case of meningitis, caused by Serratia marcescens in a 6-day old newborn triggered a search for Serratia in the Neonatology ward. Fifteen out of 38 newborns were found fecal carriers of S. marcescens. The source of S. marcescens was found in flasks containing almond oil with 1% cetyltrimethylammonium bromide used for skin care. All strain of S. marcescens belonged to pigmented biotype A6a and serotype 014 : H10. The spread of S. marcescens was controlled by heat sterilizing and renewing twice a week the almond oil flasks. Means of control of contamination sources are discussed.

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