Doppler ultrasound assessment of lower limbs arterial occlusive disease

Salcuni, P.; Tecchio, T.; Caforio, M.; Detullio, P.; Pellegrino, F.

L'Ateneo Parmense. Acta Bio-Medica Organo Della Societa di Medicina e Scienze Naturali di Parma 51(3): 147-161


ISSN/ISBN: 1123-7325
PMID: 7213457
Document Number: 160988
The Authors evaluate the Doppler ultrasonic detection in the assessment of lower limbs arterial occlusive disease, particularly concerning the haemodynamic pattern of those patients undergoing a surgical treatment. The research is accomplished on a group consisting in hundred not selected patients, all subjected to aortography. A comparative study was undertaken between angiographic findings and ankle sistolic pressure measurement together with flow velocity profile. Reduction of ankle sistolic pressure and appearance of flow velocity profile changes, resulted highly correlated with clinical stage and angiographic alterations. The Authors consider therefore the Doppler ultrasound assessment as being able to give, together with the always necessary angiographic study, more accurate informations either on the run-off and the haemodynamic consequences of a stenosis, or on the overall evaluation of multisegmental lesions.

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