Effects of the labels "mentally retarded" and "retard" on the social acceptability of mentally retarded children
Siperstein, G.N.; Budoff, M.; Bak, J.J.
American Journal of Mental Deficiency 84(6): 596-601
ISSN/ISBN: 0002-9351 PMID: 6445686 Document Number: 158990
Effects of the labels "mentally retarded" and "retard" on fifth- and sixth-grade children's attitudes toward peers were studied. Results indicated that children's attitudes (feelings and behavioral intentions) were more positive toward the target child labeled "mentally retarded" than labeled "retard." The data also showed that children's reactions to the two labels were, in part, a function of the physical appearance and academic competence of the peer being rated. Children had the most negative attitudes toward a child labeled "retard" who appeared to be "normal." In contrast, children reacted favorably to the target child labeled "mentally retarded," even when he or she was academically incompetent. Finally, boys were more negative than were girls toward the target child, especially when the child was labeled "retard." Implications for the movement to abandon the use of labels were discussed.