Hetero-transplantation of human endometrial carcinoma into nude mouse. Effects of sex steroid hormones on morphological aspects of undifferentiated adenocarcinoma cells

Tohtake, T.; Ochiai, K.; Ohkawa, K.; Koike, K.; Amasaki, H.; Sasaki, H.; Fukushima, K.; Terashima, Y.; Kuji, N.; Kato, J.

Nihon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai Zasshi 32(10): 1637-1644


ISSN/ISBN: 0300-9165
PMID: 7240829
Document Number: 157697
Seven cases of human endometrial carcinoma were transplanted into nude mice. Two of these cases, histologically classed as undifferentiated adenocarcinoma, were succeeded in the initial transplantation, but only 1, designated JEA-1, was established as serially transplanted tumor line in nude mice, which contained no estrogen and progesterone receptors assayed by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. JEA-1 tumor cells transplanted serially maintained the morphological and the functional characteristics of the original human tumor. Consequently, the JEA-1 tumor line will be useful for the experimental model of cancer treatments and the analysis of sensitivity for sex steroid hormones. Effects of sex steroid hormones on JEA-1 tumor cells had been examined and the electron microscopic observation and in receptor level, alteration of the tumor tissue were found. Ultrastructurally, the tumor cells which had been administrated estradiol and progesterone revealed various morphological changes resembling that of normal endometrial epithelium in the proliferative and the secretory phase, respectively. In addition, in the tumor tissue which had been administrated estradiol, the low, but positive, estrogen receptor sites were detectable. These findings may suggest that means of estradiol exposure will be able to induce the estrogen and progesterone receptors in endometrial carcinoma initially without these hormone receptors.

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