Methods of circulatory monitoring in intensive care units
Pfisterer, M.; Ritz, R.
Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift 110(2): 41-44
ISSN/ISBN: 0036-7672 PMID: 7394489 Document Number: 155092
In a critically ill patient referred to an intensive care unit, clinical evaluation remains the first method in the assessment of cardio-circulatory status. In more complex cases direct measurement of standard hemodynamics must be performed at the bedside, for instance by the use of a Swan-Ganz thermodilution catheter. As alternatives to hemodynamic parameters, non-invasive techniques for the evaluation of left ventricular function such as echocardiography, radionuclide angiography, measurement of systolic time intervals and electrical impedance are presented. Their indications and limitations in comparison with hemodynamics are discussed.