Antibiotic treatment of pneumococcal meningitis
Benedito, J.; Soto, M.; Vilchez, J.J.; Santacruz, A.; Luz, J.
Medicina Clinica 73(5): 183-185
ISSN/ISBN: 0025-7753 PMID: 386009 Document Number: 150270
Pneumococcal meningitis, which represents the third in frequency among the purulent forms of meningitis, continues to be, in spite of antibiotic therapy, a serious problem due to its high mortality rate, which reaches 50 per cent in patients of advanced age. The antibiotic treatment of choice is penicillin G, using chloramphenicol as the substitute antibiotic and the cephalosporins in other instances. This article is a review of the cases of pneumococcal meningitis which were admitted to our hospital in the period between 1969-1977, placing especial stress on the therapy followed. Our experience in the treatment of 28 patients affected with this condition indicates therapeutic success in 45 per cent of the cases treated with penicillin G, and a rate of 70 per cent using cephaloridine. In view of these results we believe that cephaloridine should be considered an important alternative antibiotic in the therapy of pneumococcal meningitis.