Urography in children: when should it be done? 1. Infection

Lebowitz, R.L.

Postgraduate Medicine 64(4): 63-72


ISSN/ISBN: 0032-5481
PMID: 704508
Document Number: 138051
Radiologic evaluation of urinary tract infection in children should include both excretory urography and voiding cystourethrography. Excretory urography is done to search for anomalies predisposing to infection and for signs of previous episodes of pyelonephritis or reflux and to serve as a baseline for future studies. Voiding cystourethrography is done to search for abnormalities in the natural barriers that protect the renal medulla from infection. If reflux is found to be present and sequential reflux studies are done, they should be performed by the radionuclide method to observe changes in degree or cessation.

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