Infectious complications in patients with psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis treated with antitumor necrosis factor agents and methotrexate

Darabi, K.; Jaiswal, R.; Hostetler, S.; Bechtel, M.; Zirwas, M.

Journal of Drugs in Dermatology Jdd 8(2): 175-178


ISSN/ISBN: 1545-9616
PMID: 19213235
Document Number: 13121
Treatment of patients with moderate-severe psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis includes systemic biologic, antimetabolite, and immunosuppressive therapy. However, adverse events such as serious infectious complications must be considered before starting therapy and throughout treatment. The authors describe the case of a male on combination etanercept and methotrexate for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis for years who developed a spontaneous epidural abscess with resulting quadriplegia. In addition, a review of the literature was performed looking at the risk of serious infectious complications with antitumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) monotherapy or combination therapy with methotrexate fro the treatment of psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. Serious infectious risk does not appear to be increased with etanercept or other anti-TNF agents either alone or in combination with methotrexate. Nevertheless, clinicians are cautioned to carefully weigh the risks and benefits of treating with anti-TNF agents in patients who are prone to infection.

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Infectious complications in patients with psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis treated with antitumor necrosis factor agents and methotrexate