Necrotizing "sarcoid" angiitis and granulomatosis of the lung

Stanulla, H.

Zentralblatt für Allgemeine Pathologie U. Pathologische Anatomie 122(5): 428-434


ISSN/ISBN: 0044-4030
PMID: 726698
Document Number: 130744
Report of 2 cases (59 years male, 53 years male) of necrotizing "sarcoid" angiitis and granulomatosis of the lung. This disease has the character of a local pneumonia or of a coin-lesion and a favourable course. Emphasis is put on the morphological set of problems; the differential diagnosis concerning other pulmonary forms of granulomatosis and angiitis is discussed. The diagnosis is confirmed only by investigation of biopsy tissue; mere clinical features prove to be insufficient.

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