Dynamics of the microflora of soils recultivated after the open-pit mining of sulfur
Peterson, N.V.; Kuryliak, E.K.; Panas, R.N.
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal 40(6): 698-704
ISSN/ISBN: 0201-8462 PMID: 732600 Document Number: 126904
In an experiment established on sulphur-mining spoils, the total number of micro-organisms under cultivated vegetation three years after recultivation increased several times whilst in the control plots under natural vegetation it scarcely changed. In the recultivated land the dominant micro-organisms consisted of forms which grew on soil extract agar or starch-ammonia agar (SAA). Gradually the microbes growing on SAA became predominant, and the numbers of oligonitriphiles, ammonifiers, denitrifying and amylolytic organisms increased. Growing of legumes, especially perennial legume/grass mixtures, contributed to the accumulation of large numbers of micro-organisms in the soil of the experimental plots and increased the activity of the micro-organisms associated with the nitrogen cycle.