Reaginic antibody formation in the mouse. IX. Enhancement of suppressor and helper cell activities of primed spleen cells
Takatsu, K.; Ishizaka, K.
Journal of Immunology 118(1): 151-158
ISSN/ISBN: 0022-1767 PMID: 299752 Document Number: 122197
Attempts were made to increase the activity of suppressor cells in vitro. Antigen-specific suppressor cells were induced by i.v. injections of urea-denatured ovalbumin (UD-OA) into OA-primed mice. Nonadherent splenic lymphocytes from the UD-OA-treated mice were incubated at 37 degrees C for 24 hr with either OA or OA-bearing macrophages and lymphocytes harvested from the culture were examined for the ability to suppress primary anti-hapten antibody response on nonirradiated mice to DNP-OA. The results showed that the suppressive activity of the lymphocytes increased after culture of the cells with OA or OA-bearing macrophages. Similar results were obtained when nylon column-purified T cell-rich fraction of the lymphocytes were similarly cultured. The suppressive activity was associated with theta-bearing lymphocytes and was specific for OA. Suppressor cells were not induced by the culture of OA-primed lymphocytes with OA. The helper function of splenic lymphocytes from both UD-OA-treated mice and OA-primed mice was enhanced by the culture of the cells with OA-bearing macrophages but not by culture with OA in the absence of macrophages.